I am so owie right now... urgh... can't wait to go home, not like that's going to make the pain stop or get better, but at least I can be pantsless without it being an issue. Is it time to take more Percocet yet? (Answer: not just yet. Another hour. And then wait another hour for the actual painkilling to start. Urrrrrgghhhh.)
Heroes tonight!
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No Glee witcha this week, I'm afraid; Mykle's going to come over Wednesday, sell me some of his books, and look at my bike, now that it's too rainy to ride anywhere. ;) I'm going to Andy & Bax tomorrow after work to look at coats; I know I said boots first, but the change in weather has caught up to me, and I've got those 10-hole Docs to tide me over for a little while longer. (And Halloween costume concepts must be budgeted for...)
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