fun TV/film irrelevancy

May 22, 2008 11:15

OK, I had no idea that Merritt Butrick (a. one of the worst names ever and b. the dweeb who played Admiral James T. Kirk's ass-faced bastard son in STAR TREK II: THE WRATH OF KHAN and STAR TREK III: WE LIKE TOTALLY LOVE AND MISS SPOCK AND STUFF) was also an actor on semi-beloved 80s teen dramedy Square Pegs.

Oh, I guess Butrick also died of AIDS in '89, which is not funny. But man, Kirk's son was a total tool. And it's only one T in "Butrick", even though two T's would be funnier.

As you were.

Today I'm a little wiped out from way too much hanging out and drinking with awesome, funny, stimulating people. Tonight, rather than doing my semi-usual Thursday night habit of going to the Woodstock Wine & Deli for some wine tasting and yummy sandwiches (and more awesome, funny, stimulating people) I am going to go straight home from work with my new haul of garden plants (broccoli and various herbs), brush my cat, and finally stop being such a doofus and watch some Season 2 Heroes like I've been threatening to do for the last couple of months and haven't done. I have tomorrow off, and no, I don't want to do fun things with anybody. Except that I might very well go see INDIANA JONES AND THE KINGDOME OF CRYSTAL GERITOL BOTTLE with some fellow geeks.

And on Sunday night I plan to go see Datarock open for Ladytron at the Wonder Ballroom. Paying $20+service charge to see Datarock play an opening set just goes to show you how much I love that band. I am bummed that I am not going to go see M.I.A. on Friday night, but seriously, there's limits to how much I can do (and pay for; the M.I.A. show is $25. I love the hell out of her, too, but... DATAROCK! They are all that can soothe me while I wait for Eno and David Byrne to tour and play some Talking Heads!)

silly, star trek, movies, status report, tv

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