I was out getting hammered at Bailey's Taproom last night, as I sometimes do of a Tuesday night, and came home and went straight to bed without looking left or right. I decided to save my news for when I get to work, as is my inclination... and boinged up Google News to find that Hillary Clinton took Ohio AND Texas.
I'm surprised, and I'm surprised that I'm surprised. But on the other hand, the most politically avid person I know is Myr, and she's a dyed-in-the-wool Obama lover, and I think she had me so thoroughly convinced that Obama was an absolute done deal that I just assumed it would be the case. (Joke's on us! Hope you had champagne last night anyway, dearest.)
Hmmm... is Oregon going to actually end up getting involved in this? I'm curious now... and I think I'm about to get sucked into the process a little more actively. I do not actually support either potential Democratic candidate, nor do I NOT support them; I'm more in a state of "watching both warily, gathering information as I can". I am gunshy as hell after eight years of crushingly bad political news. The one thing I am absolutely sure on is my position, which nobody still in the race has any intention of actually following, so it's all somewhat distant to me. Trying to find the lesser evil in this is like trying to find a single bugle-bead in a garbage disposal full of rotting spinach. I both genuinely wish I could just emigrate, and am absolutely committed to making sure Nobody Runs Me Off My Land.
On a more intimate note, I really wish I had more time to do all the things I want to do, and see all the people I want to see... I miss you,
nebet_het... and the gothnerds at Bailey's all insisted that I join them every single week, whether I can afford to pay my own way or not. How can I explain that my priorities are 1) writing, 2) chilling the fuck out, and then, a distant 3) friends? But oh, I love, I love. I miss, I miss. But my writing is fucking spectacular right now.