quick bits

Dec 17, 2007 09:03

Friday's company bowling party/drunk up was very fun. I hurt my wrist, but it seems to be largely fine now - except every once in a while, when I get a twinge. I would really hate it if it's really hurt and will hurt forever, but hopefully by then they'll have really good voice-recognition software, so I can dictate the stuff I write.

Saturday I hung out with witwhitherwilt and got some grocery shopping done - more on that later - and I had snagged GIGANTIC from the library (review to come), so we watched that, and had a lovely mutual They Might Be Giants squee. They're really just a part of me now... but I really also need to reacquire their albums on a non-cassette format. Also? Gorgeous. They should have called the documentary SMOKIN' HOT NERDS. Also? Dave Eggers is kind of hot, in that abstract, J.Crew catalogue way.

One of the things I snagged grocery shopping is the long-delayed Heroes Official Magazine, which I've been hearing about on the BBC7 Heroes podcast since late summer. It's an import, obviously meant for the UK market. It's kind of tragic, really - it's all a bunch of material that was accumulated in, like, June, before they knew the writer's strike was going to cut the season short, so it talks about directions they didn't take, and actors/characters we haven't seen. Also, it's full of typos. Also, it was $9.99. (DOUBLE WTF?!) It's a ripoff, but whatever - that's all part of the gangsta game that is fandom. Sometimes you eat the bear... sometimes the bear eats you.

Yesterday I went and saw THE GOLDEN COMPASS again - when did matinee movies become $6.25? WTF? Anyway, it's still fun and pretty, but I noticed that for the bear characters who actually have lines, they actually modelled the bear's faces after the voice actor's faces. So I had a wonderful frisson of noticing "Holy shit, it's Ian McShane in polar bear form!" Watch it and see if you noticed. The bear-on-bear scene continues to be the hottest action I've seen this year. (Yeah, I said it.)

Nearly finished with the fanfic that I've been writing for almost ten days now. I rarely take that long (usually I have more time to work on it) but the subject matter is delicate and the structure is fairly tricky. We'll see if the story succeeds or not; I don't really care if it doesn't, I just wanted to fill in that blank on the canvas. I think it's some of the best writing and character design I've done in a long time, too, but structurally... I don't know.

Other than that, I was almost completely unproductive this weekend. Last night I made roasted brussels sprouts and yellow squash, and it was mind-blowingly delicious... but I didn't even watch any TV this weekend. That's what happens when you're writing instead - even taking a 22 minute break to watch a Robotech episode is more distraction than is necessary.

movies, status report, tidbits, greed, geekery, heroes

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