Heroes 2x07: "Out of Time" (heroes_meta)

Nov 05, 2007 20:59

This? Right here? is the shit. I'm back to wanting to rewind the episode and watch it again immediately. I might just. A marvelous palate cleanser after a day of rapidly cresting bad news surrounding the WGA strike (which made me walk a couple of miles, just trying to calm myself and clear my head, trying not to pray that "all I ask is that for an hour, I forget about the writer's strike, I forget about the possibility that there might not be any more show for a long time, I forget about the rumor that Tim Kring quit and what that would do to the show if true - just engage me!" because I'd feel so bad if the episode didn't deliver. But it totally did.)

It's always a good sign when the episode starts with characters doing drugs. Kensei hotboxes Hiro and IT IS ON.

Noah and the Haitian Sensation take pictures of the paintings, then Noah makes a booty call to Mohinder (well, really, it's a paranoia-enhancing call) and Mohinder figures out that Noah is a morally gray superstar, and then Niki tells him to get his fine ass off the phone.

Then Noah torches a good dozens of thousands of dollars of Tim Sale paintings.

Peter yells intelligently down the street in Future New York. Caitlin recaps for us. Then the guys in yellow hazmat suits screech up in a big scary black truck, throw them to the ground, and ask them if they have any symptoms. Peter and Caitlin are, of course, like "Bwha?" The Hazmat guys grab the two cuties and scream that they need to go to decontamination. If this means more shirtless Peter, I am all for it. Get them good and clean.

This "Green" promo is cracking me up. Way to go, HeroesWhores! (Publicity, that is, although the writer's strike might put some of them on the game. If so, Mr. Ventimiglia, my money is good.)

Claire is sleeping. God, she's such a fox. Immediately West is creepy without even having to be there, texting her instantly as soon as she wakes up. Of course he's outside her fucking window STALKING HER FIRST THING IN THE MORNING - so Sylar-tastic! He is, in fact, already inside, and the sonovabitch has already made waffles. *Psycho theme* Sandra's a dingbat as usual, because even she thinks West is cute. DAMN HIM! Claire gives him the smackdown about just showing up at her house, because she has DIED repeatedly and she knows a thing or two. And the thing or two she knows are both between West's legs. *sigh*

Hey, it's Bob and Matt and Nathan and Mohinder AND Niki! WOOOT! And Matt's the only one who can stop Maury, because Matt is supposedly as powerful a Mastermind as his dad. He just hasn't learned to project it.

Hiro is STOOOOONED. But even stoned, he can drive! YAY HIRO!

Yep. Shirtless, wet Milo. (And wet and topless Cait! Wow! Double groovy!) I'll take it! And then they deport Caitlin! OMG, all my dreams come true. The Shanti virus has wreaked havoc, with 93% of humanity dead! Gosh! And in Peter's reaction shot, there's one of our paintings, too. (So it's not Sylar behind Pete, it's the Homeland Security guy. Oh well, can't have everything.)

Matt gets an emotional bedside scene with Coma Molly... showing he's still self-conscious about his weight, poor love. I'm sorry, I know it's not good for him, but I like my chubby Greg. He does a little psychic lovin' on her, and she responds by spiking her brain waves to let him know she can hear him.

Mohinder said "MORALLY GRAY!" Do we win a prize? Niki says "MORALLY UN-GRAY!" Maybe that's our prize. OH SHIT IT'S D.L. And he's here to prove that Niki's just as batshit capable of having hallucinations that tell her to do things as ever. I wonder if she can only see dead people? Hmmmm!

Nathan and Bob discuss Adam Monroe. The one who's trying to kill everybody. Adam is the apocalyptic visionary... Maury is the red right hand. And Linderman was Adam's disciple! Well, y'all sure did what he said for long enough. Then Bob drops the Peter bomb! And the "Peter's alive" bomb! And Nathan responds with the most perfect "JIGGA WHAT?" face ever seen.

In the future, they bring Peter to Angela! WOOT! Hugs all round! Of course, he doesn't recognize her. She breaks down his powers for him because she's smart. She tells him Nathan dies in the first outbreak. (NO! Why they always gotta kill Nathan?) She demands that he change history; he refuses Peter-style. And then he has a lot of season 1 flashbacks that break my heart - and his. And hers. And the world's! BAWWWW... I can't take this after five shots of whiskey. I need a handkerchief. Or at least my sleeve. He's got his memories of her back, at least. Oooh, I feel cheated that we may or may not get one of those high-emotion blipverts with Nathan, because that would be so beautiful.

Mr. Muggles! You are also a signpost of quality, keeping me from puking my guts out having to watch Claire and West making out while listening to MP3s on her phone. (Gag me.) Oh shit, it's HRG. West sees him and freaks. Claire comes clean. West freaks some more. GO AWAY DIPSHIT. He does. A nation rejoices. HRG wonders what's up with her, talking to herself out on the verandah. Claire plays the "I got a popsicle for you" trick and gets away with it.

Meanwhile, Hiro and Yaeko have escaped; Hiro doesn't blame Kensei for being a total bastard to them, because he believes in a higher heroic purpose. He has to save Japan if Kensei isn't going to do it.

Niki schizes out, trying to talk to the spectre of D.L. while Mohinder's in the room, thanks to Maury's psychic manipulation. She throws Mo across the room, grabs a syringe, and walks out. Maury smiles. Creepy!

Meeeeeeanwhile Hiro pours some gunpowder around the guns. Kensei's there, though, and he's not down with melting the guns. He soliloquizes, then he and Hiro swordfight, and set a fire. It's all very dramatic looking, especially when Hiro disarms Kensei, and Kensei swears to hunt Hiro down, no matter how long it takes or what the cost. Ohhhhhhh. I get it. Wow, it's like that? Yaeko must have a magic vagina! Then the tent full of gunpower blows up, and Hiro 'ports himself out of there just in time. But it's too late for Kensei! (Who, er, can, er, regen, er, ate.... *sigh*)

Niki busts through a wall, and we've got another of the paintings. Nathan tries some of the velvet-voiced rationality on Niki, figuring because he fucked her once, she'll listen to him. Nathan figures... well, more or less wrong (What was Niki going to do with the syringe in the first place?). Niki jabs herself with the virus, figuring it will cure her! She is wrong about that.

Matt goes to nightmare land (an apartment kitchen, apparently painted by Vincent Van Gogh in the depths of a varnish-huffing frenzy) with Molly. And then Maury. Matt's actually got Maury trapped in his own nightmare - the nightmare of leaving Matt and not ever being able to apologize - and it's awesome. Outside of it, Maury is collapsed on the floor - ah yes, he was next after all, wasn't he? Harsh. if he's dead, Matt doesn't seem particularly sorry about it; if he isn't dead, Matt needs to cuff him and taser him immediately. But if he IS dead - damn, Matt!

Not as harsh, though, as Peter jumping back to the present - and leaving Caitlin behind! BWAHAHAHA! that was worth the whole plotline right there!

Kensei has gotten blowed up good, and Yaeko begs Hiro to stay. Hiro's a stickler for history, though, and he figures out the complicated-y metaphor about the hero cutting out his own heart to defeat the dragon applies to him. (aw.) And Yaeko swears to tell the story through time immemorial. (aw.) And yes, it's a lovely fairy tale stuck on top of a Michael Crichton disease melodrama on top of a high school soap opera, and there you have it; Heroes season 2.

Mo's got a broken nose! All right! Niki's all sorry now, but oh dear, the virus has now mutated. And now Niki will die. Oh well, there you have it, Heroes season 2.

Ando is doing fuckall in front of his computer - there you have it, heroes season 2 - but Hiro has come back from the past to bring him coffee and cheat codes. And Ando has to tell Hiro that Kaito is dead. That poor guy never catches a break. He needs a hug, Ando! Cough it up!

Bob promises Mo that he'll work to destroy the now-mutated virus - by using Claire's rengerative abilities to counteract it. Mohinder's like "Uh what?", playing off very well that he's never seen Claire before. Bob tells Mohinder pretty much everything, including that HRG is getting sloppy, which is so true. And then Mo tells Bob everything! What the hell, Mo? He's not sure who's right and who's wrong! It's called MORALLY GRAY, dude! Get on board! Bob, you're so evil, I love you. I always know where I stand with you. But what's Mo thinking? I thought for a minute that he was ahead of the game, but now I can't tell. Oh well, at least he's fundamentally honest. He takes the gun that Bob gives him, and goes on the hunt to bag him some Bennet. NOOOOO!

And then Sandra outs Claire and West to HRG. Oh no, honey, you shouldna done that. HRG figures out everything, and comes up to yell at Claire, who is sadly texting West with no result. HRG calls her out on lying to him - and then she calls HIM out, and he yells at them that they're leaving and she says they're leaving without her. Oh snap. Oh double snap. This is so not going to end well at all.

Peter-in-the-present, in his nice gray prison hoodie, tries to figure out how he bent time and space, and can't of course. He sparks out, and someone else's palm catches the spark - and heals the resulting burn. It's a hot, snarky blond guy! Adam = Kensei. Surprising no one. Delighting me. IT IS ON! If Peter can't be with Nathan, he might as well be with a snarky, slightly evil 400-year-old Englishman, one who is going to betray him and break that tender little heart of his worse than it's ever been broke. Maybe that's how we get to our gravel-voiced, scarface Peter from "Five Years Gone", sort of, maybe, who knows. I think gravel-voiced scarface Peter is his destiny, and he'll get that way, one way or the other.


What I overheard in the preview for next week (before I plugged my ears and started singing "Mary Had a Little Lamb") was terribly, horribly exciting. Because what would I love more that "deep dark secrets in the Petrelli family"? I'll tell you! NOTHING. Nothing they'd show on network TV, anyway.

And what did we learn today, boys and girls? Yes! We learned that CLAIRE (having the same power as Kensei/Adam Monroe) IS MORE OR LESS IMMORTAL. And so is Peter! Which means that a piece of fanfic that I read last week that speculated on that concept was right - and that incredibly sad, touching story is now kind of canon. And that's enough to almost bring tears to my eyes. I wonder if I can find it and link to it. It gives me chills.

Fabulous. Just fabulous. You mean I have to wait a week for more? Poop! Want more now! Please don't have quit, Mr. Kring. I take back every bad thing I said about you - all is forgiven. Just don't drag us out here to the middle of nowhere and then leave us out here with only half a pack of damp paper matches and one shoe. Sure we'll survive, but it will suck real, real hard trying to get back to civilization.

heroes_meta, squee, wtf, geekery, heroes, awesome, tv

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