meme: 7 quirks

Oct 29, 2007 13:49

1. List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself. (originally posted as odd facts)
2. Tag seven people to do the same.
3. Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag "whoever". (oh damn.)

ONE: I always list feature films in all caps, TV shows in bold, song titles in quotes, and book and album titles in italics. It's just easier.

TWO: I only use soap or other cleanser on my face once a week at most - otherwise I just rinse it with plain water and then moisturise like crazy. It seems to be working well (and will save me money).

THREE: My favorite board or card game is Illuminati.

FOUR: I dreamt about doing line edits on the computer last night. :(

FIVE: It's almost my cat's 11th birthday; she is a Halloween creature. I brought her home a few weeks after my definitive MS diagnosis (yikes, it's been that long?!), and she is now more affectionate than ever.

SIX: Currently, I am wearing Beatle boots, corduroy trousers, and a black silk blouse.

SEVEN: I am currently listening almost exclusively to music by Japanese bands. I didn't plan it that way.

TAG: capn_jil, dilettante666, firesnap, grahzny, surlyben, secretglory, queeberquabbler


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