really, I do other things than watch TV

Jan 24, 2007 16:29

Just not a lot of other things. (Need to get this week's 24; I feel an emptiness that can only be soothed with some of the Sutherland Velvet Voice.)

Last night I watched another episode of The Wire, and I am so very much in love with McNulty, and with Avon Barksdale, and I have that not-wanting-to-get-with love for Bubbs and D'Angelo. It's hard for me to watch it so close to having watched Heroes, though, because The Wire requires total concentration. Subtitles help, too, because the dialogue is golden.

I think I might House might be slipping away for me. I didn't even remember to check if there was an episode on last night, and it could have been the one that I missed last week. What a shame; it's still a great show, even if it's not as immaculate as it was in the first season. But my schedule is tight.

Tonight, some beer and camraderie at the Horse Brass, then home to write a little fic. The challenge will be to decide if I want to watch Heroes 1-12 again. The quality of the tape is horrible - the worst yet. (Still watchable, but just barely.) I think the Julia Harrison Memorial TV/VCR Combo is finally starting to die now (it's about 18 years old). I wish that the stupid SCIFI channel was going to keep doing reruns... At least I get 1-12 rerun again on Friday night. *sigh* What a sad life I have; other people are pregnant or engaged or getting giant promotions at work, and I'm struggling to get VHS tapes of a network show about superheroes, and hoping against hope that I can go to Star Wars Celebration. :) That's OK, I'm an artist, we're supposed to be solitary and eccentric (and childish). Hmmm, maybe craigslist... or maybe someone can come over and show me how to do the wiring so I can tape it myself on the VCR that still works.

I think I'll buy clothes and/or furniture this weekend, and maybe call one of my stable of boys (ha, I make funny joke - they're more free-range men in early middle age). It's good to have goals. No BSG live this Sunday; I'm going to Howard Jones instead, and I'll catch the episode using On Demand. At least SCIFI gets that right.

geekery, thinking out loud, tv

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