here we go again - watching Battlestar Galactica Sunday? can I come?

Jan 17, 2007 19:07

Comcast is the shit on the devil's heel. I'm willing to give them my fucking soul, but they won't do it before Monday - thus negating all the awesomeness that would have resulted from me being able to see my dope show on Sunday night when it comes back.

So... anybody planning on watching on Sunday night?

I'll come over. I'll bring you beer. I'll take a taxi home. But I am not fucking missing that show.

THOSE ASSHOLES. And fuck me for not placing the order last week, except that I wanted to wait for payday. So I too am an asshole and I'm right there on the devil's hoof, right next to that shit nugget of a cable television provider.

after a moment to breathe and eat a spot of dinner... If no one can help, I can always watch it Monday night at 11, but...gaaahhhhh. Why does something as simple as tv have to be so difficult, or what the fuck is the matter with me that I get it WRONG every single time I try to deal with cable? I know it's not that hard for other people; I've seen friends call the cable company, say "I want this channel", and then 15 minutes later they have that channel... nobody needs to come to their house and take a fucking tissue sample for this to happen... or is that only for people who regularly pay $150/month for their cable, so asking for a little bit more is right up Comcast's alley?

Boo. Hiss. Whatever. Soon. Show back on soon. Will have the cable soon and then it's my version of Courvosier and whores, with only my desperate financial status to trouble me.

greed, wtf?, tv, rant

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