Well, the conure is singular actually. He's a Gold Capped and we've had him since the new store opened (Which was February 4, by the way. See how good I am at updating when real life gets in the way?). Anyway, teaching him to step up was insanely easy because we were still hand-feeding him at the time, and soon he was hanging out on the handle of the cart we use while we're opening the department. Of course, "we" means myself and occasionally my managers, since everyone else is scared of him.
Flash forward t today. I'm a little scared he's bonding too much with me since most of the other human interactions he gets are five minutes long (if that). I I move ore than ten feet to fetch something when he's out, he'll jump off the cart and land near my shoe, which he jumps on. Since I'm trying to get him used to more social situations, I decided to try him on my shoulder for a while (since mornings are slow and I was on register anyway). He did fine for about fifteen minutes before he tried for my ears.
Hey look, more eggs:
You may have noticed they're different. The others (except for the Pink) ran out of time, so I abandoned them since a)there is no chance they weren't going to get adopted as soon as they appeared and b)they get an extra day out back on their timer that way. My old Blue and Stone have already hatched and the Mint was well on its way this morning. Please click these ones though, especially the Silver and Paper since they're rare.