You have to be logged into Democratic Underground to read that. / "The situation in Iraq
Article 4, Section 4 of our Constitution closely describes our current involvement in Iraq, in which we are protecting their Republican form of Government, and their territory against domestic violence and invasion. But Article 4 of our Constitution is not about foreign nations, it is about the right of States in our Union. Iraq is not a State in our Union, and is not represented in Congress. Even though Iraq's current leaders have asked for our military assistance for their security purposes, I see nothing in our Constitution that suggests we have the right or obligation to sustain funding and deployment of Armed forces to fulfil their request (Article I, Section 8, <12>, U.S. Constitution). My question is: How- and at what cost- do we continue something that is unconstitutional?"
Here is the community I made for him on Live Journal:
Where he is actually a member and a really great guy: I have never seen any candidate embrace all people of the internet, nad have such an open mind. The strange thing is that he ran for California congress as a Republican. He lost his primary and is NOW AVAILABLE!
My communications with him started from an odd community I am in on LJ called wtf_inc, which is a place to post anything and everything you fins wtf. )This often leads to really unnecessarily gross and disgusting posts, so beware before you go looking for it.) However, there are also many gems in there too.
One day hulazombie made a post about a campaign poster of Theodore Terbolizard that she found odd:
Now you have to admit someone did get a little vector happy in photoshop...
Here is the initial post that started a Live Journal sensation: voodooskeleton : "I like the bear. Makes him seem fierce."
blasphemusfish : "I dig his name :D"
heartinthroat : "IT'S TURBO TIME! - The bear looks like an opera singer."
arielost : That is the best last name I have ever heard.
Wow DU is gonna get so pissed at me...