Dragon Knight Love Letter

Dec 07, 2009 02:06

Dear Kamen Rider Dragon Knight,

Now, I don't follow you. I kind of forget you exist, then remember, then skim the episodes I missed. (Which usually amounts to about 10 episodes.) And by skim, I mean, I only spend about 3-4 minutes on each 22 minute episode. I find myself skimming less and less and watching more and more. I just finished with the early-midish 20s where we get to see beginnings of Kitt going dark side.

Normally, I don't put much faith in you having good storytelling. I skim because the pacing is awkward and the acting is bad and the you put way too much emphasis on the fighting and when you don't, you really really play up the dramatic moments (which don't work with said acting.) But it's kind of interesting? It's like the badfic that has an interesting idea, but is still bad? And I kind of force myself to read, because I think the idea has potential?

But, it isn't /that/ bad. I don't know if the characters have grown on me, or if the acting has improved (and I'm not going back to the beginning episodes to compare), but the episodes in the 20s have become more enjoyable. Enough to where I can ignore some of the major pitfalls and just accept this as a guilty pleasure.

I think the build up to the reveal of how Xaviax has been manipulating Kitt was interesting. I wonder if it was like a huge twist, or if it was easily predictable and I missed it because I just hadn't been watching the show?

But really, the end of episode 24 and all of episode 25 kind of made me sit down and watch fully.

I think the dream battles at the beginning of 25 were kind of epicly awesome. At least the battle with Wing Knight. Throwing in Siren's fight was kind of silly? Considering there was no real connection between Kitt and Kase, him fighting her isn't as... well, traumatic as him killing venting Wing Knight. They should've edited it to have Kitt vs Len the fight that wakes Kitt from his dream.

(But seriously, "blood is thicker than motor oil"? There are reasons why I forget about you, show.)

But, okay at first Xaviax believed killing Len will get Kitt to join the dark side? That's what I got? I doubt we'll be touching on this more. It was probably just a way to move along the subplot of getting rid of Tiger. Er, Axe?

I did like how when Len/Kase came into the picture, he started getting all those dark and evil thoughts. Show, you really played off the jealously well, and it shows how young he is, which is actually really nice to see. It was also nice to see how quick Len was able to... well, not forget Kitt, but slide back to having Kase right by his side. It's like the old best friend (well, in this case, lover) coming back and the new best friend kind of being left out.

But, it looks like the whole gang is kind of together? I really liked the ending with Kitt, Len, and Kase. "I'm ready to go after Xaviax. I'm ready to be a Kamen Rider." I really went fuck yeah in my head. Man, it's so sad this is the only place I can get my episodic superhero fix.

Thanks for the fun,

P.S. Xaviax's hot form? Is that what it's called? Because? Mmph. Now that's a bad guy. I'll accept whatever reason you have to have Xaviax have to use Wrath's human body -- I'm assuming it's just an excuse to have hot guy on guy action. If only you had them fighting out of armor. I'm sure Matt Mullins is up for it.

P.P.S. Just watched the end of episode 31. WHAT IS THIS FUCKERY? You've got balls show, balls.

P.P.P.S. Okay, watching episode 32. I figured we'd get our MAIN CHARACTER back from the dead, but the possibility of getting EVERYONE back from the void? You suck show. What a major reset button Mark Dacasco turned out to be.

series: kamen rider dragon knight, misc: love letter

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