Today in phone spam

Dec 04, 2010 12:01

Telephone: Ring! Ring ring ring!
Me: Hello?
Telephone: Hello! This is an automated survey from the College Republicans to irritate the living shit out of you first thing in the morning! Press 1 if you think Barack Obama is the Devil, or 2 if you think he is an illegal immigrant terrorist poopyhead.
Me: (pressing buttons) 0! 0! #! 9!
Telephone: We're sorry, there are no actual living human beings here.
Me: (hangs up, looks up College Republicans' own phone number, dials)
Telephone: Hello! This is an answering machine!
Me: Howdy.  My name is Marty. I recently received an automated survey from you, please take my number off your list.  Also, I'm gay, almost done paying off my student loans, and interested in someday sending my kids to college. You are OUT OF YOUR COTTON-PICKING MIIIIIINDS if you think I will ever, EVER vote Republican.  Good day. (rings off)

selling it

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