...i'm sad to say that i am a member of deviantART, but
can anyone tell me when, during my year sabbatical from deviantART, did DA become a pompous fuck?...
...i come back to find this piece of mine removed because it is deemed inappropriate
my response is as follows:
what is war other than an exercise in futility?...
...what does it accomplish, what does it prove
war doesn't prove who is right, just who is left...
this was an amazing candid shot...
...i was one of the photographers working the parade route and happened to get lucky
it sums up the waste and distaste that war is...
...if you can't tell the difference between a penis and a missile, then you need glasses and you need to get your mind out of the gutter, stop being a baby and start being an art critic...
art isn't always pretty and all pompous fou-fou fluff...
...art is a capture and depiction of life
and right now my life involves my friends being in the line of fire because of some man's inflated ego...
...and his money grubbing lust for oil
his wanton actions and lack of thought into the lives of others...
...is what is tearing my world apart
...my life
my art...
i'll never get my piece back on their system...
...they are too big into censorship of real life
and for the record, the guy was re-duct taping his missle back on...
...dirty minds, everyone has dirty minds...