I spent a LONG time at mall today...Prom dress shopping! Because clearly I should show up to prom in a dress.
It was actually really fun, and we only spent about 20% of the time on things actually concerning dresses. Went with
silverinches and
crushhglidr, but ran into
cerealfreak pretty quickly. The group of us had doubleplus fun! Anyone want some ribs? ;) We must have also walked a bazillion miles...up and down that one light-forsaken corridor.
Then...cookies in the shape of PROM? ! w00t!
um..yeah, I'm not totally out of it.
though my diet for today has been largely pretend.
I guess it's too late to have dinner?
My parents agreed to give me my grad gift a little early, so [2+ hours after opening it] I'm listening to a shiny new piece of Devilware [ipod mini]. It has a tremendously, almost upsettingly large amount of music compared to the cute little red bugger. I put everything on this computer on it and bearly made a dent. You know you want to share songs with me!
[Actually...it took me so long because I have *no* idea how to properly use this. How do you put individual songs on from your itunes? bah...this is silly]
Also, sorry that my responces to last update doth lag so terribly. I'll fill them out as I have time.
Can somebody give me a value debate that they'd like to see reasoned out, then give me the side they want to win? I really should have joined debate...I really like being told what to debate. I don't come up with my own ideas so well. I'll default to abortion, although it's a pretty grotesquely prickly issue.