So today...was death...then lots of fun!!!
Geosys test in the morning, then Hamlet (which wasn't so bad...Chris is a fun geosynglish buddy. Not quite as good as hyphen...but it's hard to beat the me 'n hyphen conbo. I really don't think Nelson/McFaden could have taken another year of that =D
Test corrections and a hastily scarfed lunch, then teh DEATH calc test. Well...not that bad. But it was a lot and fast and stressful. I felt good...but it seems like I almost never do well on math tests. Then philo, which was fun. I sit next to hot guys in three of my classes... o_o Sartre! And a discussion that made Mr. Lamb *really* uncomfortable.
Left school [no WT for me!] to meet Kasey [yay!] and metro to the new name for Common Grounds [gay night]. It started out pretty dull, then JT got there and we all had a good time talking/being obnoxous. Had to leave earlier than intended, so 13 of us went across the street to the silver diner and had a really roudy table - which was excellent. I had a blast. Actually...I've never had that much fun with a bunch of queers before. So, =D even if I didn't do any homework. And...Kasey rocks! I'm really liking dating someone in highschool who I have a bunch of stuff in common with! And teh hot!
Anyway...then I helped dad w/ spread sheets, and now I have some me time before I hit the sack before another long day tomorrow. Fun to post!