Jun 29, 2004 00:40
So, right after I abruptly was kicked off by my father (since I was using his account as a guest on my mom's, and he therefore had precidence) [sorry to lisa and erica, I wanted to get back on but couldn't. argh!] I went downstairs and had some ice cream with my grandpa (henceforth peb). As I was about to leave, return upstairs, and finish the laundry (yay!) Chris calls and decides that we have to go play mini-golf, ten minutes before the place closes. Hop in the car, pick him up, and we just bearly get in (hence pissing all of the staff off [his friends], which I think was the main idea). Quick game, he wins by a stroke (though I thought he'd rape me, seeing as how he's better and has played in the last year). Won a free game,[by playing that peg game with my ball - w1n] which almost made the $8 to get in worth it. If that wasn't random enough, he then decides that we should take the friend he was trying to piss off with us and go to a Diner. Yee! tea and eating his walnuts. A totally random evening to cap off a pointless day. Just kinda felt like sharing =)
oho, and in case anyone was concerned about the half-done laundry, I'll finish it tomorrow. Really! ...