revelations about my mind (part 2)

Apr 07, 2007 10:28

not that warriors cant be philosophers.indeed if a warrior survives enough battles and lives long enough they often become just that.but no matter how introspective a warrior is,no matter how muich he/she thinks about things,they still have only one kill.thery are living weapons.there is no place for soul searching on the battlefield.

i cant say that i was chosen to be one in this life.that implies some higher power.though maybe fate decided that ive seen enough blood for now. and is giving me a rare opportunity to have something else.but fate is just a process. even if al;l the big events are planned out(as i have mused in a previous post),then thats still just a process.

the cycle of reincarntion is just one as souls are made,come onto the cycle,live,gain experience,die and take that experience on with them to the next life. and so on,and so on,untill they become old souls.old souls are still on the cycle for a while,the they leave it so that a new soul can come onto it. they go...well whereever old souls go when they finally get to rest.

my circumstances in this life made it so that my mind developed body came along slower,than my mind did.

wether it was fate or just circumstance that made me have a philosophical mind in this life,doesnt matter i guess.all that matters is that im like this now and ive realised it.

i think im confused because im being pulled in different nature in this life,is clashing with my past natures and is the reason my mind is like a minefield.i have to come to terms with both aspects of my life.the fighting stuff is always going to be there,it ingrained in my soul.but i have to remember that in THIS life i have a choice. and its THIS life im in,not any of the others.this is something that requires more thought but,hopefully,i can use this new knowledge to get some peace of mind.the peace of mind ive been lacking for a long time.

this was so simple a thing but i couldnt see it. im not kicking myself though. sometimes it takes someone elses hel;p to point out what you cant see. sometimes you're so close to the problem that you cant see it,and it takes someone on the outside to point out where it is. "cant see,the forest for the trees" as the old saying goes.

i am so thankful to kim.without her help id never have found this out.i owe her big now.but im thankful :)
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