Mar 29, 2014 18:54
Why oh why is it so difficult to stay on top of LJ as a posting forum? I feel like I have been bumbling aimlessly around cyberspace for the last couple of years as my work and writing direction has shifted in certain big ways, and I have spent a longish time getting reoriented and figuring out what is really on-track for me now. I guess it is true that life sometimes interferes in cyber activities. Who'da thunk.
I also have the conundrum, amidst morphing priorities, of trying to decide what I do and don't want to post about here (or anywhere, for that matter; like my info boundaries are shifting too), and I guess "when in doubt, don't" has become my unconscious go-to default. In any case, I'm trying to be more mindful of these things (we'll see how long that attention span lasts), so I'll be posting more in the coming while, I think.
We'll see...