My Little Universe

Jan 29, 2021 12:50

It has been a while since I have posted. I have been reading posts and commenting when I can but I haven't posted in over 2 weeks.

So, what has been happening in teragramm land? First off I saw the grandbabies for about an hour on the 16th for the oldest's birthday and to give them their Christmas gifts. Needless to say that between Christmas gifts and birthday gifts we came in like Santa Clause. It was a nice visit but it was definitely a giant tease.

Sister #3 got COVID. She lives in Flordia and has a husband who is not well, thank goodness he didn't get sick. My sis got a relatively mild case and she is doing better. I am concerned about her cough since I understand it can linger for a while.

In October I had my yearly physical and with it an EKG. My last EKG was in 2017 and they found changes in the recent one that they didn't like. After a ton of tests and needless worry, my heart is okay. I still have to wait until I see my primary care MD in February to get a total rundown on the tests but from the test results, it looks like I have COPD, which is kind of puzzling since I have never smoked. (Although my dad did until I was 17.)

Hubby and I are eligible to get the vaccine but it is tough getting an appointment. I've been trying every day but no luck. *fingers crossed*

We are supposed to get snow Monday/Tuesday, I am hoping we don't get too much.

I hope all on my flist are well and happy.

coronavirus, life, health

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