COVID Vaccine Poll

Dec 08, 2020 11:07

In NYC 55% of firefighters are opting out of taking the vaccine.

So, just out of curiosity.

Poll COVID Poll

covid poll

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Comments 20

thenewbuzwuzz December 8 2020, 18:52:15 UTC
Basically I'll go by whatever my national health authority says.


teragramm December 9 2020, 00:10:31 UTC


gillo December 8 2020, 23:51:07 UTC
I'll take whatever vaccine is on offer as soon as it is available to me. None of them are fail-safe, however, so I will still be very cautious until/unless the virus seems to be coming under control. Mask-wearing is just simple consideration for others in my opinion.

The whole anti-vaxx thing is toxic in the extreme, and frankly spreading lies about vaccinations should be a criminal offence, as it already is a moral one.


teragramm December 9 2020, 00:10:05 UTC
As always, you are very level headed and logical. Everything you said is right on the money!!


kudagirl December 9 2020, 00:21:32 UTC
I will take it when it's offered to me. My understanding is it will go to people who work in medical field and nursing homes first. I work for a big box store and come in contact with a lot of different people. I wear a mask and clean my area several times a day. So far so good. A vaccine is only one form of protection. Time will tell if it will lower the curve.


teragramm December 9 2020, 01:08:42 UTC
I have to believe that it will lower the curve. Even if only 50% of people take the vaccine, I feel it will make a difference in our lives. ^fingers crossed*


icecoldrain December 9 2020, 06:27:50 UTC
I'm going to pass on the vaccine at first because it needs more testing and the side effects are pretty bad. My friends who still work in healthcare are not happy about this vaccine and hope it won't be mandatory to get it until it's been better tested and perfected. Anyway, once something better comes out, I'll get the vaccine and still follow the mask rule. I have no issues wearing a mask unlike some people. One of my brothers is always raging about this even though he rarely leaves so he's only had to wear his mask a few times lmao. I'm like, what's the big deal? I don't see the problem with wearing a mask to stay safe.


teragramm December 9 2020, 12:35:43 UTC
I understand the worry and as far as I know, you are not in a high risk category, so caution is understood.


icecoldrain December 9 2020, 22:22:22 UTC
Yeah and I'm following all the rules to a T! Plus, I already grew up with constant handwashing, changing my clothes and showering when I get home, etc. (my younger brother was born with autoimmune problems connected to his rare blood disease), and then I have OCD so I'm always washing my hands left and right anyway so not much has changed on that front. If anything, I'm like PEOPLE ARE BARELY WASHING THEIR HANDS FOR THE FIRST TIME NOW?!

But yeah. I'm a little wary and I remember how bad some of the newer vaccines over the years were at first (off the top of my head, HPV was a bad one until it was perfected) and if my friends in healthcare are concerned about the cons of the vaccine being way worse than the potential pros until it's perfected and don't want to get it themselves when they're at higher exposure rates, that's never a good sign.


eurydice72 December 9 2020, 06:41:01 UTC
55%?!? Why is that number so high?

I checked yes, but that's under the condition that Fauci endorses it. He's the man I trust in this business.


teragramm December 9 2020, 12:41:48 UTC
As far as I know, the main reasons are that they are young and strong and don't fear COVID. Some of them have stated that they no longer trust anyone and are worried about the safety of the vaccine.


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