Adventures in Quarantine

May 15, 2020 10:08

Well, folks, tomorrow will be 60 days in quarantine! As some of the country starts to open, it looks like we still have a long way to go. I'm not mad at it, it is what it is and it's better to be safe than sorry. To be honest I'm worried that when we are out of lockdown hubby will want to do things he shouldn't. I'm still not sure he really gets it. Plus quarantine is making him very cranky.

Grocery shopping seems to be getting easier, less crowded, and less chaotic, probably because parts of the US are opening. The supermarket I went to on Wednesday had boxes and boxes of toilet paper, no paper towels but toilet paper, napkins, and tissues.

Tuesday was my posting day at seasonal_spuffy, it was a great distraction and I enjoyed it more than usual, which is saying something because I always enjoy it. You can find my entry here at seasonal_spuffy or here at my icon journal.

I hope all on my flist are well and keeping safe.


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