Just a Quick Drive by Recco

Aug 04, 2010 08:47

I don't recommend fanfics often, only when I find a really good DEAR story (Drop Everything And Read.) I have been reading a wonderful story by KnifeEdge called "West of the Moon, East of the Sun" This story mixes cannon (with cannon dialog) with alternate reality. The transition from cannon to AR is so totally seamless, that you are never quite ( Read more... )

fan-fiction, recco

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Comments 3

kazzy_cee August 4 2010, 13:04:57 UTC
Sounds just my thing. One point though - is it a WIP?


teragramm August 4 2010, 13:09:58 UTC
Yes it is a WIP but I believe she has the story finished and is posting the chapters after they have been double check by her beta. She posts fairly regularly (about 2x a week) and is up to chapter 21. Her fic banner is great you should at least check that out.


teragramm October 5 2010, 13:13:12 UTC
If you are still interested in reading the fan fic"West of the Moon, East of the Sun" by knifeedgefic it now complete and at her lj.


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