Figured I'd better put this in as a heads up. I'm dropping Argilla from the Silent Hill story line; not because of artistic differences, time issues, group drama, or anything of the sort.
…The actual reason is because the mun is a little (okay, a lot) wimpy when it comes to Silent Hill and can't quite handle it on HARD CORE levels. (Silent Hill lite, maybe. But I don't know if such a thing exists.) So that's all! Mutation arc and Junkyard 2.0 shall still proceed as normal, with the possibility of other plots occurring on the side.
With that said, it is now time for meme bandwagon! Pick any character, and I shall give you three or more pretendy canon facts about them! You can also ask about REAL stuff, and I shall answer it to the best of my ability. Or just make things up.
Onto the list! (Just don't fall in the estrogen.)
Main Pups
Teradyne Argilla, Digital Devil Saga
Techno_mancy Sera, Digital Devil Saga
Jr_queensguard Lyon, Suikoden V
Side projects (Both living and inactive)
Clumsy_summoner Sheena, Tales of Symphonia
Dontmakeme_blue Blue, Wolf's Rain
Sumaru_press Yukino, Persona 2
Nailguitarhero Judy Nails, Guitar Hero