It's a disaster, I'm aware

Mar 12, 2011 02:06

Alright guys the way I see it is, even if I haven't made a public post about it (which I guess I am now, huh?), it should be enough that I'm thinking about it, and wishing the best. Why should I need to make a public post just to prove I'm aware of the situation and care? Nothing I say will make a difference, so why?

YES I'm aware of what happened.
YES it's a terrible occurrence.
And YES I hope things will work out for them.

What changes because I've said that? Nothing. Natural disaster's happen, there isn't anything I could say that would change that.

So should everyone's world stop because of this fact? I don't think so. Let people move on with their life if they're able to. That's a good thing right?

So just...let people move on and do what they can, while they still can, instead of expecting them to make a public announcement about how awful the situation is like many others. It should be enough that it's kept in their thoughts.

Just because someone hasn't said anything about it, doesn't mean they don't know or don't care.


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