Video Game Friending MemeBecause I'm bored and have been thinking of doing this for awhile. I've decided to try and put together a Video Game specific friending meme thing, since a lot of the time I feel like I'm talking to myself whenever I talk about video games (whaaat? XD). So this way if any of you are feeling the same way, this is a way to
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Name/Nickname: Holly
Age: 18(but I'll be 19 in under 2 weeks!)
Location: New Brunswick, Canada
What genre of video games do you mostly play? I'm an RPG whore. I occasionally play other stuff, but the RPGs are my one true love.
What systems do you own? Currently... a Wii, PS2, DS, and... the elusive SNES. <3
What games have you played (and like)? Uhm, a whole lot. @_@;; Most of the Final Fantasy games, Kingdom Hearts (all three), Tales of Symphonia, Tales of the Abyss, Phoenix Wright, Earthbound, Trauma Center: Second Opinion, Star Ocean 3, Dark Cloud 2, Xenosaga, a bunch of various Mario games (Mario Kart, Super Marion Bros...), lots of Zelda games (Twilight Princess most recently), various Pokemon games.... and probably tons more I can't think of.
Favorite games? Tales of the Abyss, Final Fantasy VII, and Kingdom Hearts II.
What have you recently played?/Currently playing? Just beat Tales of the Abyss oh... a week ago? Currently getting ready to begin my second playthrough. :D I'm also currently playing Phoenix Wright: Justice for All and Tales of Symphonia.
Who are some of your favorite characters? ToA: Luke fon Fabre, Master Badtouch; FFVII: Vincent Valentine; ToS: Kratos Aurion; KH: Sora and Roxas. Oh, and from any of the Mario games? THE WIGGLER, MAN. BEST CHARACTER EVER (Y).
Least favorite characters? SQUALL LEONHART. dlksfjklsd god that man pisses me off. I love him as Leon in KH, but just... Squall... no. Oh, and I hate pretty much ANY of the new FFVII characters in Dirge of Cerberus, especially that Shelke chick. Argh.
How about favorite pairings? ToA: Guy/Luke, replicest, Van/every underage boy (no rly), Peony/Jade; FFVII: Vincent/Lucrecia, Zack/Cloud; ToS: Kratos/Anna or Kratos/Lloyd; KH: Roxas/Sora, Riku/Sora, or some combination of Riku/Kairi/Sora.
Least favorite pairings? Cid/Vincent (FFVII). I'm sorry, I'm just not feeling it. Oh, and no Axel/Roxas (KH). I USED TO LIKE IT, UNTIL THE FANDOM RAPED IT TO HELL.
What else do you like besides video games? I collect balljointed dolls. >_> *cough* Yeah, crazy hobby, I know... but Cerberus Project is absolute love. I also read fantasy novels/write, watch SOME anime (D.Gray-man and Gundam Wing are love <3), love travelling, music (a variety from Savage Garden to Muse to KAT-TUN), and I have a great weakness for Bollywood and broadway (RENT = best thing evar!)
What do you dislike/hate? I haaate annoying yaoi fangirls. I mean, I'm a shameless fangirl, but I hate the type of people who refuse to acknowledge a female character because it gets in the way of teh buttsecks. I also dislike homophobia in general, peanut butter, Mary Sues, annoying people at my work, midterms (which I'm currently suffering through at uni), oh, and Dirge of Cerberus because it rapes FFVII canon. DX
Anything else we should know about you? Any last words? :P I used to go by tonberry but I've temporarily moved to fabre. Half of my flist over on tonberry hasn't even realized it yet, so I figure I'll throw it out here. XD;; I'm also incredibly random. FEAR.
*skitters off to re-add*
Mind if I friend? xD
Sure thing! I'll friend you right away~ :D
AND RANDOM PEOPLE = WIN. *High five.* >8D
Nnn, very nice. Friend? :DD
YAY FOR RANDOMNESS. XD Totally adding you!
Yay for Guy/Luke and every freaking pairing you mentioned. :D And for liking Phoenix Wright, Trauma Center, and Xenosaga!
What do you say, friends? :D
*adds you* >:3
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Van/every underage boy (no rly)
I agree so, so badly. Friend? :3
*friends back* :D
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