Title: The Cracked Stones
terachanCharacter: Harry Potter
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Author's Note: written for the promt "Random Title Generator" @
harry100 Harry knew that this was wrong. He shouldn't have been there.
No magic can raise the dead.
Only once, he promised himself.
The air was humid in the thick of the forest and Harry shuddered at the memory of his last visit.
After hours of searching, he finally found it.
The Resurrection Stone.
A shiver of anticipation pervaded him.
In a few seconds, he would see his loved ones.
"Sorry, professor. Apparently, I'm not stronger than you".
He turned the cracked stones three times in his hand and closed his eyes.
Only once and then I will begin to live.
Title: The Sleeping Son
terachanCharacter: Harry Potter
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Author's Note: written for the promt "Random Title Generator" @
harry100 The sweet melody of the enchanted carillon filled the shadowy room.
A sweet smell of talcum powder permeated the air.
Harry took a deep breath.
Tired and sweaty after a long, dangerous mission, back at home, all Harry could think of was his son.
Little toy Snitch flew around the room.
James enjoyed trying to catch them.
But now they flew undisturbed, as the baby slept happily in his cot.
Harry sat in the rocking chair, watching his son and fell asleep, lulled by the tinkling melody, the rustle of the Snitch's wings and the regular rhythm of James' breath.
Title: The Moon's Children
terachanCharacter: Harry Potter
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Author's Note: written for the promt "Random Title Generator" @
harry100 Harry hoped that his expression would inspire confidence, and no pity.
"It's okay. Now I'll take you to a safe place, where you'll find a family that will love you and where they'll give you a potion that you'll drink when the full moon is near".
The boy hid behind his older sister, she didn't seem to trust Harry.
"And they'll close us in a hut and give us food for dogs to eat" she said.
It took a long time and much persuasion to convince them of his good intentions.
He'll slay the monster that had bitten the children!
Title: Twinkling Secrets
terachanCharacter: Harry Potter
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Author's Note: written for the promt "Random Title Generator" @
harry100 The headmaster's office was exactly like the last time that Harry had been there.
Only two paintings at the center of the room were a novelty.
Snape looked at him from above his hooked nose, silent, as if waiting for Harry to answer a question.
But the boy's attention was centered on his mentor.
"I don't know what to do. I don't know how to go forward"
Dumbledore looked at him with a twinkling secret in his eyes.
"My dear boy, I think that when you don't know how to go forward, it's often useful to stop and look around"
Title: The Whispering Snow
terachanPairing: Harry/Ginny
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Author's Note: written for the promt "Random Title Generator" @
harry100 Harry Side-Along Apparated Ginny at Godric's Hollow.
Thick and white, the snow was falling on the ground.
"Now you can open your eyes", he whispered.
Harry didn't take his eyes off her, as she realized where they were and her expression changed into one of surprise and joy.
"It's our home?" she asked, her voice tinted of wonder.
"Merry Christmas, Ginny", he said, watching the shining snow in her hair.
In the distance, the church bells chime midnight, carols floated in the air and Harry closed his eyes, listening to the snow whisper words of love and family and happiness.