Aug 08, 2007 17:03
well monday was my last day before school started and i was determind to make it the best, and well it kinda was. i woke up my a sore thoart but i didnt really care, i was want to have some fun. Fez kept callin me in the morning askin me what i want to do, i told him the day before that i want to do some x , he found some then i told him that i had some passes to elitches, so we decided that we were gonna make are day at elitches, he came and picked me up at like 9 we went to get are pills and a free chick-fi-la sandwhich and then went back to his house where we go ready and took the bus downtown, and all in all it was a awesome day it wasnt too hot, it rained a little bit but it felt good, but later that night i was starting to feel realy really bad, it sucked so much! plus i had to get up early for school. then the whole next day sucked majorly! i dont even want to talk about, and today i went to see my doctor and she told me that i might have mono! That shits sucks so much. i feeling a bit better now but how knows if it is gonna get better or worst.