(no subject)

Dec 28, 2005 04:09

How to Drive Someone Away 101:

1) Find out their hopes, their dreams, their goals, their aspirations.
2) Ask them why they haven't gotten there yet and together, identify their obstacles and weaknesses.
3) Make yourself so amazing and supportive that you light a fire under their ass so they start driving toward their goals.
4) Point out when their weaknesses are showing up in an attempt to help them correct them.
5) Get yelled at.
6) When they wonder aloud why they aren't where they want to be, reiterate the weaknesses and offer to help.
7) Develop new ways to achieve the same goals.
8) Begin altering your schedule to make goals easier to achieve.
9) When weaknesses begin to become prevalent once more, try a different strategy to minimize them.
10) Get yelled at.
11) Get attacked.
12) Plant seeds of resentment.
13) Let it sit for a day, then talk about it and either a) change tactics or b) give up.
14) You change tactics and repeat until yelling becomes unbearable and you feel like an authority figure.
15) If you give up, then what?

How do you make someone want to be motivated? To live, be productive, and do what they say they're gonna do WHEN they say they're gonna do it? You can't. It doesn't work that way. Repeat customer. Do I like people based on their potential? Fuck me. I don't even know anymore. I feel like words have lost their meaning. Promises from friends, family, everyone... no one ever follows through. Except Kimmay it seems. I am stuck in a world of people who drop the ball. Dad, Kinder, Lee, Ben... set goals, tell me all the things you'll do, then leave me hanging. Whee. How can I make plans or create beliefs on words that come from such a shaky foundation? Maybe I'm just tired. PMSing. Maybe in the morning I won't even believe any of this. But it's 4:30am, and I said I'd go to bed a half hour ago so I could be up at 11. I'll still get up. I cheated myself a half hour of sleep. But there are things I want to get done. Things that will make me sleep better tomorrow night and wake up happier the next day knowing they're done. Things that will advance my life, my passions, my goals, and my dreams. So I'd better catch some winks while I still can.
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