A Sad Occurrence

Jan 25, 2008 14:59

The first friend I ever made online was through CruiseCritic.com just prior to our cruise to Alaska. As it turned out, she was living in Northern California at the time, where I came from. She also happened to be childfree, like me. Over the years, she and her husband moved to Scottsdale, and we have remained online friends, although we have still to this day never been in the same place at the same time in order to meet each other in person. Recently, we both got black spoodles, and send back and forth "kiddie" photos to each other.

A few days ago, she sent an e-mail out to all her family, friends and acquaintances to let them know that cancer has been detected in "her reproductive area". They are not sure exactly what kind of cancer or where. They only know they have found cancer cells. They will be doing surgery to gather further information. This could turn out to be nothing serious, or it could be terminal. They just don't know.

I'm very thankful that she was smart enough to announce this to those around her, so we can rally to her support. So often people are secretive about their health until it's really too late to be there to support them.

We had a long talk on Yahoo Messenger, and although being rather obsessive about her health, like I am, she is seeking counselling to deal with the various possibilities, and is so far coping with the anticipation of the surgery and what they might find.

She also told me that a little valium goes a long way! And she's so right. If there was ever a time for mood enhancing drugs, now is that time.

The surgery is on 1-Feb, so everyone think good thoughts that day!

I have my fingers crossed she will be OK.

cancer, surgery, friend

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