Apr 22, 2006 16:36
I finaly have a home computer! and first of all i want to say hello to dreamwarden. since I've left california he has often said hello and i appreciate that. and I also hope that things get better for me. I've found that I am happier being single. My friends and I have discussed this numerous times at work on our smoke breaks and I've found it to be true. I see all these women coming in mad and upset because thier partner has done something or not done someting and you know what? I don't have that. I come into work each morning relativly calm and satisfied because I have no one to upset me. No one to bother me. No one to yell at because something didn't get done. If the garbage doesn't get taken out it's because I didn't do it. If the yard doesn't get mowed it's because I didn't do it. If the cat didn't get fed it's because I didn't do it. And so on and so on. So Bryson and I are happy. I'm working on starting scool in August. For what, I don't know, but still. I figure I can take some basic requirements and figure out the rest later. Anyways, hope all is well with everyone.....