I'm finally home. What a long mother f*ckin day at work!
Good Grief!
So anyways, I have bad news and I have bad news. Which do you want first?
Okay, the bad news first. Eric isn't going to Maryland on Wednesday, he'll have to wait at least until March. Now for the bad news:
It's not even guaranteed that he'll be able to go in March. What the h*ll?
So Angel, I'm trying to wait and see if he will be able to go in March before I tell you the best time to come visit. If he ends up not going at all of course you're still coming. I just gotta figure all my sh*t out, so bear with me here until i do that......
Anyways, my crazy kitty is runnin around the apartment like he's a kitten again, I love him!!!!
If my good friend
dreamwarden would so kindly explain to me how to put pictures up I would be able to show everyone pictures of my kitty....so I'm just waitin.....la la la la....still waitin......
Okay, so I think that I'm gonna go take a shower and go to bed.
Good Night Ya'll!!