Apoptygma Berzerk and other things

Mar 26, 2010 20:13

So last Monday Apop was in town.
However, that was the most random and insane concert (and that's even before it started).

First they had been listed as playing at The El Rey.
So we drove by there at 8 (doors were at 7) and it was COMPLETELY empty.
So I looked up the El Rey site on my phone and in big red letters it had "CANCELED".
Wayne and I growled in exasperation, then decided to go buy some vodka at Walgreens and then go out to Atomic Cantina later so us getting dressed for a concert wasn't totally wasted.

So he checks the site again later.
Guess what? The show got moved next door to The Launchpad and started at 11:30 onto 1am.

So we have a few shots and watch part of Dagon (yeah, we're dorks. shut up), then walk to The Launchpad from our apartment.
It was like everyone I've known from the "goth" clubs since 2003 was transplanted to The Launchpad that night. Everywhere I turned, it was someone I hadn't seen in a long time since I haven't gone to the club for a while.
And then Anna and Toby appeared!
Finally got my perennial Tokyo Tea and we all headed upstairs to see the opening bands.

So we sat there, waiting and waiting...and drinking...and about an hour of soundcheck went on.

Suddenly the singer from The Anix, one of the opening bands, walked up to the bar and asks everyone to come downstairs Because Apoptygma decided no opening bands and they were going to play an extra long set.
Bu I felt bad for the opening bands because they were just there and didn't get to play.

So anyway, before the show started Dee, my friend who happens to bartend there, gave me a free Cape Cod which I gave to Anna.
See, Anna doesn't drink hardly anymore, and after 1 PBR and a Cape Cod, she was loopy as could be.
But we took some pictures anyway.

And then I spilled my damn drink ALL over my crotch in this picture, and it was very cold.

So the show started and it was amaaaaaazing.

And no, I did not dance.
I don't "goth" dance unless I'm really wasted and then I usually end up on my ass.
Wayne did though, and he's a good dancer but he was in the mood to punch people (even though we knew everyone) so to make sure I wasn't injured, I stood behind one of my good friends and sang along instead.

Afterward, I snagged the last size small girls tank top (woot) and we went outside and hey, Stephan was there!
I have pictures of random people with him on my camera because apparently I was the only one who had a camera present at that time 0_o

But here's me and Anna with him. I love this picture.

And then we went home and watched Dagon and Law Abiding Ciizen and went to bed when the sun came up.

That was such a fun night. I'm glad we were able to see them.

And VNV Nation will be here April 10th!

and I'm also going to see Mono and my old buddies in Fair To Midland in May.

I did a photoshoot as a tribute to the Sakura blossoming in April with Pat Berrett last night and the pictures came out soooo pretty. I can't wait until I get the cd from him Monday.
The backdrop he happened to have was gorgeous, it looked like Shang Simla on the Sims World Expansion pack, haha.

My webmaster Jeremy and I transferred my site to a new domain (that's why it's been down).
DON'T EVER WORK WITH REGISTER.COM, they're rude and they suck.
We're re-designing everything to better suit how I want things to look and where I am in life right now and it's going to be gorgeous.

Oh yeah, and in case you didn't notice, I shaved the left side of my head (not buzzed, just very short) and am growing the right side out very long.
Thanks to my girl, Snacks, for doing that for me:)

I'm watching Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution and my god, these people in Huntington, West Virginia are fucking assholes.
(No offense to anyone who lives there.)
I'm hoping by the end of this 2nd hour they redeem themselves.
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