Warning! Pretentious, boring post!

Jan 05, 2007 18:54

I have returned from the dead! Oh LiveJournal, I'm sorry for abandoning you so! I've been reading my flist almost daily but updating...alas. This will be a quick update because homework awaits, but I'm going to be updating regularly again in this. Xangas and myspaces may go but I'll always stick with my LJ!

So, where to start?

Winter break (I think we have a day off called winter break in Feb. but it'd be politically incorrect to call it Christmas Break...) has been boring but much needed. Ha, I've forgotten what 10 hours of sleep feels like. 10 hours of sleep and 4 peppermint mochas later, wooohoo!

I woke up a few days ago from this freaky-ass dream at like 5 in the morning and couldn't fall back asleep. I stayed in bed for another hour before getting up, and, here's the weird part, getting dressed and walking downtown. At 6 in the morning. Who does that? It was a nice walk, and I get some lovely coffee and actual work done! (This winter break has been a fully-caffeinated one, just how I like them). I hate mornings though. And getting up before it's light out, it throws off my whole sleep cycle. What else since I last posted....parties are boring, dances worse...hmm.

I've been watching a lot of tv shows over break, and seriously, Torchwood=crack (mostly excellent crack) and Dexter's fabulous too. I've fallen in love with the Supernatural fandom pretty quickly, me and Kelsey have become SPN buddies (I don't think I can wait yet another week for the next episode where we get to find out what Papa Winchester told Dean about Sam! dundundun!).

I just watched the Torchwood season finale yesterday and oh, Captain Jack Harkness was probably one of the best episodes they've had so far (Tosh had cute big ears and actually was useful! OurJack/RealJack was so sweet and oww). The episode after that was ok, didn't live up to Cpt. Jack, but it was still good. I still don't understand the Bilis Manger guy, there must be something else about him that we need to figure out. And Ianto! Oh Ianto! Him and Owen going all alpha male on one another, woo. "I'm so much more than that", yeah, I too think foreshadowing! Ianto practically runs Torchwood along with Jack, he should have been 2IC (though I do not mind Owen, even if he looked silly in the finale). *squee* And the ending!!! Oh how Jack's face lit up to the Tardis noise! Can't wait for season 3 of Doctor Who.

Also! Did you know that there are about 500 bazillion Brokeback Mountain theme song remixes out there. For your cell phone. I was looking for ringtones and dear lord.

Alright! I'll post links and other amusing and useful and less day-to-day posting but more funny anecdotes stuff soon. (Happy Rachel? I updated!).

silliness, update!, torchwood

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