Jason Southard Leaves KANE!!!!

Jan 22, 2012 10:21

Unless you've been under a rock the last 12 hours or so..you'll know that lovely Jason Southard announced on his FaceBook(https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1307225376 ) page that he will no longer be playing with KANE :(

"Jason Southard
Hello all. I wanted to take a minute here to inform you that in the first of December 2011 I retired my position with Christian. After lengthy personal debates between my wife and myself, we came to the conclusion that It would be best for me to move on. This past decade has been a pleasure working with Christian and the many wonderful people he surrounds himself with. What a fantastic experience! We have made some great memories, friends, and music along the way. Often in life we get so busy that we pass up or put off things on the way to wherever it is we're trying to go. And along that way, after a certain point, we might realize that some things we once held as important, have now become less important in the face of more important things. In many ways it has happened to me and I am very humbled by the results. Proudly so! I have a few doors to walk through and what an exciting feeling it is! I guess in the wise words of the Great Gonzo... "There's hope for tomorrow, oooo, we're workin' on today". I am very excited that efforts today will bear great things for tomorrow. Thank you all so much for the kindness and gratitude you have shown me over the years. I do welcome you all to keep in touch for there will be more music and good times to come. Peace, Love, and Respect to you guys and gals. Thank you for your time."

i hope most (apart from the usual asshats)..will wish him well....he's such a talented guy and deserves success in however he wants to achieve that..i can understand his reasons..after all kane doesnt tour/play/record all year round and in these financially poor times a man (or woman) has to feed/clothe/house their families..family comes first....so i for one am saying ..nay yelling.....GOOD LUCK and for the last time..ONE.....TWO.....THREE...JAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!


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