[kingdom hearts] dance clubs and night lights

Sep 05, 2009 20:16

Title: dance clubs and night lights
Fandom: Kingdom Hearts
Genre: Fluff.
Rating: K
Characters/Pairings: onesided Tifa/Sora
Warnings/Spoilers: Sora is so adorable in a weird kind of way.
Status: Complete
Summary: A ten year age difference doesn't mean much to him.
Notes: Written for Jini while we were talking about how Tifa is completely the ass-kicking kind of girl that Sora would crush on. XD

Tifa decides that it is wholly unhealthy, if not quite a bit disturbing, that Sora has such a fascination with her. He stands up straighter and grins that thousand-kilowatt smile at her, and even though he knows that she is a martial arts master with the power of chi behind her blows, he offers help with the slightest thing, even opening her car door for him when she agrees to drive him somewhere.

She does her best not to lead him on, and asks herself why he couldn’t have had such puppy-love for Kairi, or even Riku. However, she can’t outright tell him that he isn’t welcome as he hasn’t done anything at all inappropriate, and is in fact extremely polite to her.

When he volunteers to help with the cooking, Aerith casts her a curious sideways glance, abeit one with a significant amount of firmness in it. Tifa shakes her head and avoids her friend’s gaze for the rest of the preparation.

Her stomach does a lurching movement when the flower girl leaves the room to find Cloud and bully him into buying them more lettuce at the market, and Sora is left alone with her in the kitchen. She can feel his eyes on her, and reluctantly meets them with her usual soft smile.

“Yes, Sora?”

He swallows. Hard.

“Um, well… I think that you’re really cool and it would be awesome if we could do something together.”

Tifa freezes on the spot, mentally berating herself for not setting him up with someone more her own age. For heaven’s sake, even a relationship with Yuffie would be more acceptable than this.

Struggling to keep from bashing the teen over the head, Tifa rests her hand on his chocolate-colored spikes and sighs.

“Come talk to me in a few years, okay?”

And Sora is nothing if not the optimist, because his momentary disappointment is overshadowed by the brilliance of his pearly whites. “Okay!”

author: sylver_eyes, character: sora, character: tifa lockhart, fandom: kingdom hearts

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