
Oct 04, 2005 02:11

well last week really sucked and this week is really gonna suck

lets see, last week, i had my midterm test in philosphy on thursday and i spent sooo much time that day just cramming everything i could fit into my head

then i had a paper in art history that was due friday that i didnt even know bout till thursday afternoon, i started the research the night before and actually started writtin it at 8:30, then i had a test at 9:00 that i didnt even study for in japanese (i got an A on it anyways) then got outta class at like 10:00 and spent the next hr just writtin my paper, then finished it 5 mins before the class but the printer was bein fucked up but it got fixed like 10 mins later but i was late 2 class and when i turned in my paper, my teachers asks me "so r u gonna be at the make up test today at 2:10" and im like "WHAT?" cause i didnt get an email bout it for some reason and i really didnt have any time 2 study for it.... but after art history class was over, i had 2 go straight 2 my next class and got out at 12:50 and spent the next hr and 20 mins just studying the 3 chapters in the text book and trying 2 memorized paintings with the title, yr, style..... it was just crazy..... after the test, it felt sooooooooooooooo fuckin good cause i was done with classes for the week

but...... this week is really gonna suck cause.... i have a 6 pg paper due tom (well technically today) and i havent even started it yet and i have 2 do research for this paper and include a stupid toulmins analysis and i gotta do another toulmins analysis for an article... then right after that class, i have 2 take an essay test in the next class on platos philosophy of love and its worth like 5% of my grade...... and all of thats for tuesday

then wednesday, i have my midterm in japanese (eventhough i just had a test in that class on friday)

then thurs is like kinda relaxed cause i dont have my first class which is REALLY FUCKIN NICE, i really need that break so i only have 1 class on thurs

then fri, i have a paper due in ancient world that i didnt even know bout till today, then i have 2 put together a stupid presentation on dido and some other person that i forget (but i dont think thats due this week), then i have 2 correct my stupid test but thats due monday and it wont be 2 bad since i didnt miss that many questions

but anyways, i'll be sooo pissed if this weekend doesnt include drinking cause i really need it
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