Feb 13, 2008 23:45
So having friends over for breakfast last weekend planted a bit of a bug in my ear. Someone passed the comment that we enjoy games so much that we ought to start our own games company.
Now I've been thinking. Starting in August I'm going to start being parent at home and I have no idea how it would work but I'm sure that I could put some serious time into producing a board game or three. I guess that they're kind of like writing a book. if it's popular you get a cheque constantly for years, or you are out the development cost. Since I won't be earning a lot of money (the odd miniature painting gig, some furniture building and perhaps some handyman/oddjobman stuff for friends and such) I won't be losing money by persuing this absently.
Of course I'll have to get good at some photoshop, publishing, learn all about trademarking and do some serious product analysis.
Playtesters will be wanted (and friends will be volunteered and bribed into helping).