Nov 27, 2007 11:08
Alice and I have been mostly hanging around the house lately and I have been lazy about posting stuff, not really sure how many people read it anyway. I've been kinda building models whenever I get a chance rather than reaching out and poking people electronically. You know the good kind of inspired which when you post pics of your work people shit themselves and offer you their RSPs to make them one.
Callum is growing well and survived a visit from the other Grand-parents (the Halifax ones). Four days is a bit much but there were some pauses in there and since Callum is startign to sleep more deeply we can move him into the Bassinet (Thanks for that BTW Dee!) for a couple of minutes of frolicking fun by parents.
I feel really torn. I'm going back to work soon (Dec 9th) which will cut a lot of hours for other stuff out of the schedule. It's a full time job keeping everything up around here so that Alice can nurse Callum and not be stressed about other stuff. Even though we need the money we're probably going to have to cut my hours down. And the fraking government still hasn't sent me any money for Quebec PArents insurance Plan. I finally got the last ROE in last week but now I have to call and harass them. Godo thing I'm selling shit on e-bay for gobs of money or we'd be digging into savings right now.
Off to wake up Alice with a toasted bagel!