Oct 23, 2007 00:40
Wow, I am now covered health-wise by a doctor again! For teh last eight years I have had no contiguous care and it's been a minor stressor in my life. Now if I get sick I don't have to just let it go or sit in an ER to get looked at. Yay!
In other news the Inventory of Doom is now over and my work schedule goes back to the random crap at least until the baby arrives (maximum 23 days!) at which point it's 5 weeks of learning to diaper and clean and then back to the grind. At least they finally appointed a new manager to my section so hopefully I can convince him to change to a regular schedule.
We finally started playing the Puerto Rico game I bought. It's pretty complicated but also a lot of fun. It makes a nice change from settlers all the time.
My week: Mon-wed Work 12:30-9:30, Thursday off, Friday 7-4, saturday 8-5.