ST pics preview.

May 08, 2008 17:25

So summerTime pics are available now.=) Just went to the store today.
* I want to thank

watchful21 coz she really helped a lot on how to get and what to do there..XD*

Here's some.=)


My FAVORITE.teshi is choo handsome here.       Teshi's smile..*weee*


Tegopi love.

RYOPI is asagskdksAWESOMENESSkdhdgskak..xP

*yey teshi again*..XD

KoyaTego...choo cute..=)                    and  RyoPi too..XD


Mr. snow white..=P                               hmm?


Teshi??I cant see u..=(

Ryo was Out of Place..=P

I dunknow why i love this pic.

Awwww I just realized the last pic ...Massu is missing..D;

Sorry I dun have scanner &for having the most crappy fone..D; gomen for watermarks.Just want to share.

Addition: OMG.So My friend and I got the perfecting timing.So My first time was less people,No ticket and stuffs..XD..around 20 girls~then Today ST pics were available.ZOMG.O__O *Thank teGod.^__^

*ps. to my f-List,pls. dun kill me*

saikou!, pictures, fangirl-ai

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