(no subject)

May 20, 2007 16:49

Blank ]

I've been posting so much in the community and flight journal that I keep forgetting about this one.

Actual WinAmp Complaint email that I sent before we left:

Dear WinAmp,
Normally I wait a week or two before I update my player because I know something always gets fixed during that time. So when it actually came to me updating my player last night I was pissed off that you decided to include the MergeDimCOAxCaa-57 code string again. Which means that going from song to song, or randomly moving back during the track playing there is a Dim and Merge effect going on. Some may think its cool. But to the rest of us, WE FUCKING HATE IT! Could you possibly make it a removable option or something? Please?!

It was stressfull enough to fly from DC to Phoenix, get the airplanes ready, hook up the trailer and send them off to California while we waited a day to take off. Weather was nice, except for a badass headwind. The people who ran the show seemed to be new at it, since they had advertisments everywhere. All over the booths, trucks, airplanes, fences, fucking everything. I was a bit touchy about letting kids sit in the cockpit, so Daniel volunteered to allow kids into his(mistake!). About 45 minutes before we were to start pre-flight Bitch started dropping oil really fast. After a panic attack and officials screaming at us we finally were able to get enough tools over and tighten the lines back out.

She seemed fine on the way up, or rather I was fine on the flight up, but when we finally started running paces and wowing the crowd she started to fight back. Made it through the first day fine, and even spoke to media about the history and why we modified the F-4 with a 120mm canon blahblah.

Second day Smiths team had a major breakdown and couldn't get one of their engines to pull. We all pitched in with whatever we had left to spare, but couldn't get the engine out of choke so Smiths team was down one and eventually lost. Again we get ready to run our paces and sure enough she fights me again. I'm used to having a real problem pulling hard lefts because of her tendancy to stick rudders, but not to the point where every dive she would stutter and stall or choke and pull right on climbs. I did snuff an engine on our 3rd half-pike that day, but Anthony talked me through it.

We packed up that night and went to the stupid dinner they always through for the pilots after closing ceremonies. Smiths team had it dead set that someone had fucked with their systems over night, but thanked us for our help and want to see us again in August. Andrew and Roans team came in at highest points, we had 4 media and 57 crowd points(which we didn't give a shit about), Nathans crew bottomed out, and Smiths team came in last. Whatever.

Packed the trailer and sent it back to base, Daniel went ahead but complained about an hour later about nasty tail winds, so we diverted 17 minutes and burned too much fuel. I spent the night after cool down just thinking in the hanger about why I was there at that point with something that reminded me so much of something that I hated. How far did I really want to take this? How long could I keep pushing the plane and myself before I finally wouldn't be able to pull out of a dead spin?

Monday morning we looked around at houses, only to depress ourselves more, and went back to catch up on some sleep and alone time. Bitch and Colver dropped oil again, so I spent a great part of Tuesday going down to the Boneyard and buying new gauges and lines. Guess I should find a new name other than Bitch.

Leer had left us Wednesday morning to get home and not miss his doctors appointment. He purposely avoided our calls, and we all believed that the bad news had finally come through. Our Realestate agent called us and told us that John was still trying for the house, and was approved for the $995, but needed a second appraisel(WTF! why!). He then called us back to say that someone had kicked the door in, but had cleaned up the mess(muddy footprints, pieces of wood, kickplate from wall was missing) and that the only thing missing was a fire extinguisher? So I had to call someone to go and fix the fucking door. Then for some reason the pool was 2ft below normal and the pumped had burned itself out. Not being able to contact Kevin(its his fucking house by the way)I paid the $2500 to have a new one put in.

All this done over the phone while we were in Phoenix.

So we try and come home Sat. Morning only to here the bad news about USAir and America West. Becuase of the new policies after the merger, USAir Co-pilots/First Officers have no reason to even keep working for the company. Captains positions have lost all their slots and are about to lose everything they have as well. Now 17% of USAirs pilots are 2-6 years away from retirement. That may not seem like a big number, but when looked at the employee loss rate along with the number of schedulable pilots....its bad....because USAir and America West cannot fly together as a team.

Knowing that their jobs mean nothing to them, 82% of USAir pilots are looking to walk all on the same day. They want the company to crumble, because they have absolutely nothing to lose.

So I wouldn't even consider flying or purchasing a ticket from either of the two airlines for the next 6 months.

Its bad news for us, because now since the house won't sell and Kevin can't transfer we're stuck here. Not knowing what was going to happen, we both turned down the Base transfer to Phoenix and will not be able to apply again for another 5 months.

My mother told me to go back to Pittsburgh. I told her fuck off because ther are no goddamn jobs in Pitt.

Someone bought me the Robocop trilogy thinking that May 14 was my B-day. Nope! But I loved it anyways, because you know I'm a sucker for the Robomaster and it also sparked a very strange but funny discussion about Robocop being able to love and his strange relationship with Officer Lewis. The deleted scene of his watching that woman taking a shower was the best though. HA! Pervert!

So, the reason Leer never took our calls was because for some strange reason he decided to adopt this cat for me. Without me....which I don't really like. I'm making a committment here, don't I need to choose something that I like and nothing something you randomly decided to buy because you wanted me to stop beating myself up over Neko?!?

But I would never turn a homeless animal away. So I just have to accept him.

We named him Maxwell, I'm sure for Maxwells Demon since he likes to sleep right next to drawing. He has a bit of an eye problem, and seems to have a runny nose. So hopefully its not too serious like Feline Flu or an eye infection. Not to sound mean, I would rather him lose his eye instead of being something I would have to put him down over.

And my mothers cat Angel, has suddenly become very attached to me. He's just a big stupid Meatloaf of a cat.

So yeah, maybe I'll get a job and go buy a new car or something.

Or no...I won't.
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