Nov 26, 2007 14:40

One must understand the basic usage of mantra, or sacred syllables, inthe teachings of Buddhism. Mantra is not at all a magical spell used inorder to gain psychic powers for selfish purposes, such as accumulationof wealth, power over others, and destruction of enemies. According tothe Buddhist teachings, all tantric practices, such as visualizations,hatha yoga, or any other yogic practices, must be based on thefundamental teaching of the Buddha, which is the understanding of thefour marks of existence: impermanence (anitya), suffering (duhkha), voidor emptiness (shunyata), and egolessness (anatman.) Divinities inBuddhism are not external. In other words, they are aspects of theawakened state of mind, such as the great bodhisattva Avalokiteshvararepresenting the compassionate aspect of buddha nature. There are variousmantras, or sacred syllables, connected with these great beings, whichhelp to achieve the essence of compassion, wisdom, or energy.

From "Hum: An Approach to Mantra," in THE COLLECTED WORKS OFCHOGYAM TRUNGPA, Volume Five, pages 317 to 318.

chogyam trungpa

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