According to this journal, LJ may soon be cracking down on "abusive users" -- ie. those who merely create journals to be mean to other LJ users. I have several comments on this
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Tephra Hearts Her Persecution ComplexyoyodyneJanuary 26 2002, 13:27:33 UTC
Why are you bitching about somebody else's right to keep comments out of their own damned journal? It's their space and their right, so shut the fuck up about ignorance. They can ban you for any reason, at their tiniest whim, and they owe you no apologies at all. How would you feel if I knocked on the door of your house and demanded to be let in so I could make fun of the decor of your living room?
But you're right about Tephra. Anybody who makes a hobby out of attacking strangers on their own Livejournals has no fucking right to complain about other people's mental problems. If she's got something useful to tell somebody, fine. But if she's looking for nasty things to say just to work out her own hostility, she's just a fucked-up little sociopath. For that matter, she's got a lot of nerve to call other people stupid when she can't even master basic grammar in the subjects of her posts.
I guess Tephra has the right to entertain herself any way she likes, but that doesn't mean it's not a pathetic waste of her time, as well as ours. For the record, I found the self-righteous little bitch on a community about torturing Sims. A pathetic hobby, maybe, but not nearly as pathetic as making fun of them.
Yeah, I know. Hey, at least I'm a cheerful hypocrite. Plus, I only waste my time doing this to whiny brats like Tepphie who couch their own mental problems in a put-on little "attitude." And I don't do this often -- I have a real journal under another name -- so I figured I have one coming. It's fun once in a while, but making it the entire purpose of your journal... Well, maybe Tephra needs a nice little room to curl up and die in, too.
This wouldn't be a proper LJ flame without the obligatory final conjecture: I'll bet she's got this attitude problem because she looks like a total sow -- possibly a shrew.
Re: Tephra Hearts Her Persecution ComplexslodethJanuary 26 2002, 14:16:58 UTC
You misunderstood...I know she has the right to delete any comments on her journal, but I didn't insult her! Specifically, I asked her what made a penis unworthy of receiving pleasure, while a vagina was to be worshipped. But it's more on that.
As for Tephra, I can identify with her need to vent. You may call the journal pointless, but she gets something out of it. What the words say doesn't matter as much as just writing and releasing them.
But you're right about Tephra. Anybody who makes a hobby out of attacking strangers on their own Livejournals has no fucking right to complain about other people's mental problems. If she's got something useful to tell somebody, fine. But if she's looking for nasty things to say just to work out her own hostility, she's just a fucked-up little sociopath. For that matter, she's got a lot of nerve to call other people stupid when she can't even master basic grammar in the subjects of her posts.
I guess Tephra has the right to entertain herself any way she likes, but that doesn't mean it's not a pathetic waste of her time, as well as ours. For the record, I found the self-righteous little bitch on a community about torturing Sims. A pathetic hobby, maybe, but not nearly as pathetic as making fun of them.
Yeah, I know. Hey, at least I'm a cheerful hypocrite. Plus, I only waste my time doing this to whiny brats like Tepphie who couch their own mental problems in a put-on little "attitude." And I don't do this often -- I have a real journal under another name -- so I figured I have one coming. It's fun once in a while, but making it the entire purpose of your journal... Well, maybe Tephra needs a nice little room to curl up and die in, too.
This wouldn't be a proper LJ flame without the obligatory final conjecture: I'll bet she's got this attitude problem because she looks like a total sow -- possibly a shrew.
As for Tephra, I can identify with her need to vent. You may call the journal pointless, but she gets something out of it. What the words say doesn't matter as much as just writing and releasing them.
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