Aug 14, 2001 12:22
(Yes. I'm still alive. Told you this would be the occasional unpredictable eruption -- thus my name. ;)
I know everyone's new once. I know you can't expect newbies to automatically know everything. However, I'm sick to death of the stupid little shits who wander around online with figurative fingers up their figurative noses and figurative drool running down their figurative slack-jawed chins, WHINING when the entire world doesn't LEAP to accommodate their moronic little selves.
How hard is it to do a spot of research? An hour wouldn't hurt; even ten minutes would be nice. Read the previous messages. Talk to the regulars. Have a touch of fucking humility, for Christ's sake. I don't care how "kewl" your little friends out in the real world say you are -- you are NEW here, and you will not mouth off to those of us who are NOT. Especially after begging for our help and/or advice, you ungrateful little bitch!
Listen up real good. Some of us have worked long and hard to become experts at whatever it is we're here to discuss, and you will RESPECT that. You have come here (wherever "here" may be) of your own free will to learn from US, or to work WITH us, and until you have earned your stripes don't you damn well forget it. We are not here to amuse you, nor to patiently hold your hand and smile indulgently while you ignore the plainly posted rules and and play silly buggers with the fucking Shift Lock key. We've seen it a hundred times already, we're tired of it unto loathing...
...and if you'd bothered to read back a bit you'd already know this. It's not some big deep arcane secret. If you want to be part of this (whatever "this" is), SHUT UP AND PAY ATTENTION FOR FIVE GODDAMN MINUTES.
Me? I've been a newbie over and over. I LIKE trying out new things, new communities, new genres, new people. Within a few days of my arrival people generally start to act as if I've been there for months.
And how do I manage it? I keep my mouth shut and I read and I listen until my dummy questions have been all taken care of. If I make a stupid mistake, I humbly admit it and I apologize. If someone corrects me, I thank them for their help and I don't make the same mistake twice.
So why can't other do the same thing?!
Is our society truly as overrun with inbred mouth-breathers as the online community would suggest? If I run into one more stiff-necked "you're all mean to me waaaah" little net-virgin, I swear to god I'm going to tear into them frothing and screaming obscenities until the board moderator has to bodily drag me off of the twitching carcass and ban my overreacting ass into oblivion...
...except now that I've howled this into my journal instead, I probably won't. Whew. Catharsis is a goooood thing. ;)