when does real life really begin?

May 27, 2005 22:59

ok. so birthday plans have been made. i hope everyone can make it. if you didnt get an email, email me and tell me about it. hopefully i can fix that. sooooo excited. i cant even wait. its going to be so nice to be surrounded by all those who i care about and who care about me doing fun things in the sun. its going to be paradise!

go jays go! went to the jays vs red sox game on tuesday. soooo fun. but so expensive. cotton candy + 591ml bottle of coke= 7.75! how redic. but the game was AMAZING! new found love of baseball. the game is actually as good as entertaining as the crowd. te he. however, one of my roomies is from syria and they dont have baseball there. so he didnt get it. thats really too bad.

claire! your mom stopped by today. wtf? i hope your adventure to ny was amazing! congrats to your bro! but still why did your mom stop by our house? doesnt she live in edmonton? so strange. but she brought us some really really incredibly yummy cookies. look to the cookie claire, look to the cookie. hah bc they are black and white cookies. comment when you get home. i miss you!

i gots a phone call from heather today! i miss her so much. heather is like my inspiration to be successful. go away from home, get drunk and let your true self out. why worry about anything when you can be having fun? one day i will live by those exact words. but right now i worry like a worry wart. one flaw i wish to be without.

whats the difference between love and friendship? is there really love? or is it just infatuation that turns to friendship? when i get old am i really going to be like those people on the spelling bee movie? these are questions i need to know the answers to immediately, so i can get on with my life and look to the future.

right now. my future is happy thoughts of my coming birthday celebration. seriously, you all better be there!
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