Oct 11, 2009 08:19
I got my day off! So we can totally go to the Hetalia Day thing in Denver! :D :D I'm off the day before, as well. XD So I'll have time to cook delicious things to take along. Probably Greek food and an Apfelkuchen, since I felt like making one a few days ago ANYWAY.
I'm so glad that I'm finally done with last week. 43 hours, no days off, staggered ~just so~ as to avoid paying any overtime. Owwwwwwww. At least I can work on my Felyne pillows today? And have 3 short weeks coming up?
It was ASS. COLD. yesterday. Freezing rain all day, and guess who had a register right by the doors? The roads were rendered pretty epic. It was hard to WALK on them, so there were all kinds of accidents all over town. Everything is still frozen outside, so Imma stay in here.
FFFFFFFF I've been looking over recipes for the apple cake? And, like, everyone is raving over this vegan recipe and I've been all "I don't have this book. :(" OH WAIT. IT'S ACTUALLY RIGHT HERE NEXT TO ME, AND IS THE REASON I WANTED TO BAKE THIS IN THE FIRST PLACE. LOLOLOOLOLOLOOLLOOLLOLOLOLOL Working at Wal-Mart is slowly making me retarded.
Also, I am still so pleased to finally own Rock Band. Oh god, it is so fun.