Crisis Averted

Jun 11, 2010 05:00

The other party involved in my dilemma won't be causing me trouble any more. Apparently I have been safe for like two days but slow news is slow and just got to me.

I'm so relieved I am in tears. I won't be sleeping tonight, I'm sure. I feel like there should be a big parade or something Star Wars style. Yay for bad men being stupid enough to get themselves arrested. Yay for me living to see other days and knowing to never again get involved in things way out of my control.

I wish I had some alcohol honestly.

I have made it out of the grasp of disaster twice now. I really must not take my life for granted and live my life the way I want to. Happily. And without regret.

I am so high on myself right now that I feel I could save the world or something.

Mm. Maybe my skin will clear up now that I can live without fear.

If I still feel this good tomorrow I'mma totally ask someone out. /nod
I feel sexy and I have no idea why.
Wheeeeee! Energy!
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