let's talk politics.
Now, i am not of this country. in fact, i can't even vote. HOWEVER, I'D REALLY LIKE TO.
I embrace the whole democracy thing, i do. that's why i'm gonna vent here about my political views and how the "greatest country on Earth" is making the biggest mistake of their fucking career by ELECTING THIS FUCKING DUMBASS as VP:
If anyone has read what she stands for, NO ABORTION FOR INCEST, CONTINUING THE USELESS WAR IN IRAQ and others.... NOT INCLUDING the fact she has no fucking clue how to run a country.... HOWEVER she does know how to cook a pie...
SERIOUSLY?? i didn't come to this country to run by a mom. I also didn't come to this country to be run by a 200 yr old man who thinks with HIS GUT instead of his fucking brains.
Let me tell you why I came here.
Because I believe in this country, in its intelligence, in its optimism and its drive for excellence in opportunity.
The founding fathers made this country great because they had the experience, because they were THE ELITE, because they had the BEST EDUCATION. so yea,
when i say,
it's because when you RUN FOR VP, YOU SHOULD KNOW WHAT THE FUCK THE "bush doctrine" MEANS.
you don't get a free ride to the white house lady, just cuz you're a 'HOCKEY MOM'.
hockey moms can't rule the country anyway. (and remember i'm a feminist)
I believe the only man right for the job (and it could be woman but we don't have the right one running) is this one:
And yes. it is bc he's SMART, WITTY AND DECISIVE.
he went to harvard law ON HIS OWN, he didn't have help, he was raised on food stamps.
he understand this country inside out more than palin and mccain ever will.
he is the elite. he will make this country great.
however, if he doesn't get elected, if America is dumb enough to vote for someone idiotic and extremist who will run the country even further into the ground than it already is,
i'm moving.
you mark my fucking words.
i'm out.