Nov 05, 2012 22:46
Leaving in a day with the annoying feeling of looming danger. For the first time, I am legitimately getting 'bad vibes' about flying. Hoping that the irrational, yet strong beliefs in 6th sense abilities and/or premonitions will not hold true, that I will survive a 12+ hour trans-oceanic plane ride, the worst part (hopefully) being the one single meal I will get for the entirety of the flight. I also look forward to asking my mother the legitimate question; who is the President of the United States? since I will be somewhere up in the air when it's announced.
Activities intended to amuse and prevent from death-inducing boredom include a freshly bought copy of Middlemarch (deliciously thick) , a fully charged computer for the last few episodes of the second season of Boardwalk Empire (my absolute favorite TV series) and a Kindle for GRE prep when even than seems like something interesting to do. Also a notebook as a way to calm and release any anxiety-ridden energy which will surely need releasing considering the length of this trip.
It's so exciting to know I will be in sunny California in just over two days. And then spending the most Christmasy Christmas ever in New York. With snow and presents!