(no subject)

Apr 01, 2008 15:43

1. When was the last time you saw a sunrise?
I'm not sure, if this morning wasn't so foggy I might've seen it on my way to work

2. On average, how many times do you hit the snooze button in the morning?
I don't, and I usually wake up a minute or two before my alarm goes off anyways

3. Are you more apt to make plans or just wing it?
equal amount of both I think

4. Study or cram?
cram (which usually means just not studying at all)

5. Loud club or quiet pub?
quiet pub, what would I do in a loud club?

6. Movies, TV, Music or Books: Which could you not live without?

7. What’s the stupidest thing you’ve ever done?
university - waste of time, effort, and money

8. If you could make any incident in your life go away, what would it be?
probably getting loans... I should've worked in high school

9. Did you ever date someone just because you knew your parents didn’t like them?

10. What part of the world do you think the sexiest people come from?
Russia, Prague, and most of the UK

11. If you could be anything or anyone for a day what would you be?
a castle

12. What was the first album you ever bought?
Hanson - the Middle of Nowhere

13. What would be the title of your autobiography?
"Cute Like a Pigeon"

14. If you could bring anything back from one decade what would it be and what decade would it be from?
I'm not sure what I would bring back, but it would be from the 1530's

15. Have you ever called somebody you liked only to hang up when they answered?
I don't recall

16. If your name was in a tabloid headline what would you want it to say?
something about dating some fabulous hunky british celebrity

17. If you could change your name what would you change it to?
Sadie, Sophie, Mary, or Elizabeth

18. Who do you most identify with Beavis or Butthead?
stupid show

19. Do you insist on getting the last word?

20. Have you ever carved yours and/or someone else’s initials into anything?
several times

21. What place do you absolutely have to visit before you die?

22. What current musician do you think is overrated?

23. Who was the best James Bond?
I've only ever seen Daniel Craig

24. If you could coin a phrase what would it be?
"and then I ate the bowl"

25. What was your first concert?
first notable one was the Moffatts, I think

26. What one thing do you love that everybody else hates?
Bagpipes (haha nice Alana, me too!)... umm faeries?

27. Given the choice, how would you spend eternity?
in a castle with books and elves

28. Which Brady do you identify with the most?
I have never seen that show

29. Who’s most likely to put a restraining order on you?
Jim Sturgess or Orlando Bloom (this man seems dumb as hell but he's dreamy)

30. Complete this sentence: I will be a failure if...:
I don't study for finals (which I won't)

31. What was the last wish you made?
it's a secret

32. What is the worst show on TV right now?
I don't watch tv so I dunno

33. In your opinion, what movie should never have been made?
most sequels out there

34. What's the longest you've gone without a shower?
3 days when I was I was sick

35. Have you ever anonymously sent something to a person you liked?
don't think so

36. When it’s all over, burial or cremation?

37. When you die, where would you like to have your ashes spread/be buried?

38. How many cups of coffee do you drink a day?

39. What’s better: being a dork or being a geek?
best would be a mix of both

40. What’s the biggest thing you ever got away with that you really should have been grounded for?
nothing really, I was a pretty good kid

41. You win a trip for two to ____ on the radio. Where do you go and who do you take with you?
Scotland, and I want to go alone

42. If you could kiss one person before you die, who would it be?
William Shakespeare, but the chances seem to be low...

43. Paperclips or staples?
staples are more challenging and fun to bend

44. What’s one thing you are happiest your parents don’t know about you?
how much of an awkward dork I am when it comes to history and books

45. What Star Wars character do you most identify with?

46. If you were on a desert island with three albums, who would you want with you?
I only know about one for certain and that's anything by Loreena McKennitt

47. If you could invite any three people living or dead to a dinner party who would you invite?
Shakespeare, Anne Boleyn, Elizabeth Bathory

48. If you had to describe your wardrobe using only one color what would it be?

49. Have you ever given somebody a fake number?

50. Pennies: keep them, chuck them, or wish on them?
keep them, they're useful
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